Dr. Attila Kun
Senior lecturer and head of department – Department of Labour and Social Law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church He has been a lecturer in labour law since 2002. He is a lawyer, a member of the Hungarian Bar Association since 2010. He obtained a degree in law at the Faculty of Law, University of Szeged in 2002, an expert’s certificate in European politics in 2002, and a PhD in 2008. In 2008, he obtained an EMSS-Master A. degree in the European Masters Programme in Social Security at the Leuven Catholic University. He is a lecturer at the Institute for Labour Relations and Social Insurance Education, Faculty of Law, University of Szeged; at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University; and a senior lecturer in the CSR management education at the Budapest College of Communication and Business.
International Professional Acknowledgements: International scientific acknowledgement in the field of labour law titled „Marco Biagi Award 2011” (International Association of Labour Law Journals) (as a co-editor, together with a Dutch and a Spanish colleague); Adapt E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies (EJICLS) & Adapt International Bulletin − member of the editorial board at the Adapt University Press, Italy.
Memberships: International Labour Law Research Team at the University of Pécs; Hungarian Society for Labour Law; Hungarian Society for Labour Relations; Hungarian Society for Legal Affairs and Political Sciences; Hungarian Scientific Student Organization for Labour Law; Network on European Labour and Social Law of Young Researchers.
Main scholarships: Bolyai scholarship from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA); DAAD; Japan Foundation; ILO-ISLLSS; ERA-Trier; EUI-Florence; Socrates-Erasmus (TSM, LMP); TÁMOP - Operative Programme for Social Renewal; EABIS; Comptrasec / France (Bordeaux); CEU-Budapest; Soros Foundation Kazakhstan; Foundation for Elections, etc.
He is a regular presenter at local and international conferences, and he has published no less than 60 scientific papers in Hungarian and in foreign languages.